Concepts of Reward and Punishment in AI Robotics
How do we conceptualize punishment and reward in robotics training.
AI Alignment and the race to AGI
How do our definitions of the stages of AI innovation inform responsible alignment?
Transparency, Regulations and Compliance
A record of my experience bringing domestic embodied intelligence to Austria while navigating the existing legal regulations.
Liability, Warranties and Insurance
Bringing theoretical questions about liability with various AI modalities into reality throughout the research experiment.
Religious Rules in an AI Assisted Household
The topic of AI Personhood comes up in a surprising way… deciding who pours the wine on Friday nights!
Household Pets and Domestic AI
A detailed look into the preparations that go into navigating domestic artificial intelligence with a household pet.
Gendered AI: Siri and Alexa vs Chat GPT
How can domestic embodied intelligence remaining genderless help redefine gendered domesticity everywhere?